
labyrinth web-1.jpg

It all started when…


Entering therapy can be daunting. It's an act of self-compassion and self-respect to embark on this courageous journey. An experience of pain, discontent, yearning, conflict, or crisis is often what prompts someone to seek counseling. Inner turmoil emerges from unmet needs, harmful experiences, or ways of coping/surviving that no longer serve you. This kind of pain may be a “gift in an ugly package” urging you to seek out a fuller and more satisfying life.


If you are struggling with any of the issues below, please call Casey at 505.257.8554 or Diana at 505-231-7157. You can also send an email from the “Schedule an Appointment” page to set up an initial session & see if we might be a good fit. 


Anxiety: feeling worried, fearful, not able to turn off your thoughts, feeling overwhelmed.

Depression: low motivation, feeling helpless or hopeless, guilt, sadness, sense of low self-worth, nothing feels pleasurable any longer.

Trauma: single episode or chronic experiences. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, avoidance, isolation, negative moods and beliefs, feeling “hyped up” all the time, inability to cope with life, self-harm.

Identity: feeling confused about who you are, low self- esteem, feeling incomplete, hidden, fragmented, innately flawed, or unable to reach your potential

Addiction: with substances and/or behaviors

Problems with relationships: intimate, family, or in general

Life transitions or major changes

Feeling stuck and like you need someone with whom to talk

A desire to deepen self-discovery, well-being, actualization, and growth. 


 We have locations in both the Santa Fe and Los Alamos areas.  

What To Expect:

 To begin, we will meet for an initial 60 minute consultation to see if working together will be a good fit. We will review Intake paperwork and consent forms. You will have an opportunity to let us know what you want out of therapy and to ask us any questions. You can download these forms from our website or we will give them to you. We recognize that not all of your details can be put onto paper, but the intake form is a good starting point.


During the first few sessions, we will review your history and identify treatment goals. We usually begin with traditional “talk therapy," and this may be the approach we stay with for the duration of your treatment. As we get to know you better, we may suggest additional activities and exercises. We may also invite you to participate in visualizations, breathing techniques, art work, sand tray, journaling, EMDR, or psychodrama methods. You always have the right to decline or ask to do this at another time! Not every technique works for every person, so we will collaborate to discover what is best for you.


Your treatment is tailored to your specific needs and lifestyle. It is most common to set a weekly scheduled time. We generally meet with clients for 60 or 90 minutes. EMDR sessions and couples sessions most often are 90 minutes. Some people need a few sessions; some people benefit from years of support. Some people complete a cycle of therapy and return when another issues arises. You are in charge of your treatment every step of the way.  All we ask is that you be patient with yourself and know that it can sometimes feel like two steps forward, one step back. We are always open to feedback about what works for you and what doesn't.

Fees and Insurance:

Currently, we are accepting the following insurance coverage: 

-Blue Cross Blue Shield


-True Health NM




In terms of out-of-pocket costs, we charge the following: 

 60-minute session: $100

 90-minute session: $150


Casey is currently scheduling appointments on Wednesday through Saturday. Diana is scheduling appointments Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If you need to cancel or reschedule a session, please give at least 24 hours' notice so we can open the space for other clients. Otherwise, with the exception of an emergency or sudden health issues, you may be charged for the missed session.